Toronto, ON
For over 40 years Stephenson Engineering has delivered projects with a combination of proven structural engineering expertise, a collaborative, outcomes-based approach, and innovative, creative thinking.
This project consists of five bridges that form part of the road network connecting Terminals 1 and 3 with Highway 427 and provide access to and from Silver Dart Drive and to Highway 409. These bridges were constructed in 1976 and 1977. Rehabilitation is required for all five bridges to improve their functional serviceability and extend their overall service lives.
Stephenson Engineering provided a detailed condition survey, repair drawings and specifications, and a cost estimate for the rehabilitation of all five bridge structures.
Stephenson Engineering is in the process of providing building envelope consulting services related to the removal of the existing 120,000 square foot limestone façade and the design of a new cladding system that is to be incorporated along the lower five storeys of a new 58-storey mixed use high-rise building at 88 Scott Street. The work included the design of the structural support system, wall assembly, specifications, and construction methodologies. The building is currently designated a heritage site by the City of Toronto.
Stephenson Engineering executed the removal and replacement of joint sealant at precast-to-precast concrete panels, perimeter-of-window frames, and metal-to-metal window frame joints, as well as the interfacing of glazing to metal window frames. To meet budget restraints the work was phased over two years, with Phase 1 completed in the summer of 2013 and Phase 2 scheduled to be completed in the spring of 2014.