St. Mary's Mercy Health - OR :: SMMH - OR Suite - Scheduled completion Spring 2016

Grand Rapids, MI

Electrical Contractor


St.Mary’s of Michigan is a well-known, regional medical center that was founded in1874 and that has grown to a 268-bed facility with focus in the specialty areasof cardiovascular care, neurosciences, trauma and burn treatment, and cancercare.

Thefirst construction project was the new surgical center, which involved a 45,000sq. ft., four-story surgical addition with 12,000 sq.ft of renovation. Theproject consisted of the addition of seven surgical suites, a sterileprocessing departments and a new, 15-bed radiology unit. The second and thirdphases involved renovation of the five existing surgical suites andconstruction of pre- and post-op recovery units. This renovation was able to besuccessfully completed without interruption to the ongoing hospital operations.


  • Title: St. mary's mercy health - or
  • Subtitle: Smmh - or suite - scheduled completion spring 2016
  • Location: Grand rapids, mi
  • Phase: Complete