Holland Hospital :: Surgery Suites

Holland, MI

Electrical Contractor


AsHolland Hospital continues to grow, Allied Electric has partnered with them for4 years.The Surgical Department project included a 12,000SF addition whichenhances the space with three state-of-the-art operating rooms, clean storage,a new on-call suite and an expanded mechanical penthouse.  Also, weperformed 20,000SF of renovations to completely rebuild the prep/hold and PACUareas as well as the waiting room, office spaces and satellite pharmacy.   Construction began in August of 2010.  As in most acute careenvironments, it was critical for the hospital facilities to remain inoperation during construction.  However, in addition Allied Electric hadthe unique challenge of performing construction services while adjacent areaswere being used for critical procedures such as brain surgery.  This madeit imperative to keep noise/vibration levels low.   A closely managedsub- phase of the project was devoted to stripping down an existing OR andstorage room and rebuilding it into a state-of-the-art Operating Room forHolland Hospital’s da Vinci robot.  During what typically would have beena loud and dusty demolition our team kept construction dust and materialscontained and maintained a high level of infection control.  Additionalsteps taken by our team to ensure the health and safety of patients and staffincluded sound proofing to control noise and vibration.  Also, our teamworked off-hours to coordinate construction with the hospital’s surgeryschedule.  This project was completed without reducing the surgicalcapacity of the hospital.  


  • Title: Holland hospital
  • Subtitle: Surgery suites
  • Location: Holland, mi
  • Phase: Complete