HBA Awards of Excellence

Best Landscape Under$25K / Over $25K

Hoover Sub Project 2021


The home owner Mr. May, wanted a new design look for the front entrance to his home.  He worked long hours every day, and wanted to do less maintenance work in keeping up with his lawn.  We designed a plan with different plants to have less water maintenance, and would not require a lot of work to it.  We used cypress mulch, since the home owner did not want any rocks. A great deal of soil was used in the process of landscaping. We put in a Japanese Oregon Sunset tree, Sumac Fe Tiger Eye tree, and a Texas Willow tree on the end corner of the house. Different flowering plants and lillies were included in the design.  A sprinkler system was added to help with caring of the plants and trees. along with the brick wall was incorporated in his work.  He was pleased with the job and told us it looked great, and told us to come back and do his back yard.  How impressing was that!

